Saturday, October 15, 2011

From Tara: Manifestations

I finally watched the movie, “Milk”.  A few years late, but really glad I saw it.  I’ve been talking about it to several friends, discussing how crazy it is that that phase in history could go down.   Sometimes my sense of empathy is so intense that it’s hard for me to stop feeling about something that really moves me. Anyway, this movie and Sean Penn’s performance was so great and so inspiring!  I have talked about it for days.the-times-of-harvey-milk-1984_xvx_155434
Without going into the whole review of the movie (which I did on my initial posting of this topic), it had such an affect on me.
I wanted to discuss it, ponder it, question it.  Sean Penn did such a great job and I just couldn’t shake the movie out of my mind. 
To think there was such a conditional hatred toward homosexuals during those years just baffles my mind.  Anyway, watch the movie if you haven’t seen it.  I swear I’ve been talking about it for weeks and going on and on about the movie and Sean Penn (I’m not a typical fan).
So–yesterday, as I was standing at the front desk of the Malibu Gym…malibugymsteamroomwho walks in the door?  Sean Penn!
He had that familiar intense facial expression and there was no question, Sean Penn was in the house–standing in front of me!SeanPenn
Yes, it’s true, we do get a lot of celebrities at the gym but in my 20 years there, I had never seen Sean Penn.  Manifestations!!!
This is a powerful assurance of our worthiness–just more proof from the Universe that the people and things we are thinking and feeling about come into our reality. 
Yes, some would say the fact that he showed up is pure coincidence, I like to think it was my strong vibration that pulled him into my sphere.
On the same day, I experienced yet another magical manifestation.  On Sunday, a few days before this day,  I had gone to an art gallery opening and met an amazingly creative young man.  He takes items that have been thrown out–mostly furniture and books.  He creates and re-purposes them into various pieces–dressers, stools, chests, chairs, etc. 
They are so charming and gorgeous (  He is such a talented artist!
As I was admiring the items, I thought of my former client and friend, Rachel Ashwell.
Rachel is the creator of Shabby Chic.
She does similar things with all of her items, she goes to flea markets and gets shabby items and perks them up –not totally rebuilding them, but it is similar.
She has created a multi-million dollar business doing this.
The more time I spent with Devin, admiring his work, the more I pondered the possibility of introducing this young artist’s work to her, perhaps she could carry some of their items in her local Santa Monica Storefront.  It would be a great boost to their beginnings.
It has been about 3 years since Rachel and I have spoken or seen each other, but on this magical day before heading up the long windy canyon for my mountain bike ride, I stopped to get gas at the 76 station.shabbychicRachelashwell
Who was next to me at the pump?  Rachel Ashwell.  Manifestions!!!
Manifestations are proof from the Universe that you are worthy–that what you’ve been thinking and feeling about really can come into your physical reality.  Simply, manifestations are indications.   I had been thinking and feeling about Rachel Ashwell and Sean Penn a whole lot that week and they showed up.  These are messages for us to pay attention to what we think and feel about,  we just might get it!!!