Wednesday, October 20, 2010

From Arita: WOW

Last week I was in the kitchen getting my first cup of coffee and I smiled to hear a familiar staccato sound on the floor above me – little shoes on hardwood floor. Ellie was awake and exploring. I headed for the stairs where I heard them stop as she proclaimed her latest favorite word, “WOW!”

Ellie doesn’t use a lot of words yet. She has discovered and rehearsed her “No” until I am certain that she knows exactly what it means and how well it works. And there have been times when she was distraught (or not) and I swear it sounded like she was saying “Why oh why oh why?” It’s hard not laughing at this one.

If I were a person of few words, what would the world hear from me the most? What word would they associate with me? What would be my most-used, default reaction in a one-word contribution to my world and my personal interactions? Today I choose my favorite word.


Arita Trahan is the author of “The Santa Story Revisited – How to Give Your Children a Santa They Will Never Outgrow”