Friday, February 25, 2011

From Tara: Baffled by Bottle Brush

I was at the end of taking a group on a hike in Malibu. It was a magical day as always. One of the hikers and I landed on a curb to do some stretching. The tree that lined the curb was a gorgeous bottle brush tree. I mentioned that they happen to be my favorite tree, she concurred–they were her favorite as well.

We simply began basking and appreciating this tree and everything about it and all the others we have seen. She spoke of the bottle brush tree she has in her back yard. We went on and on about this tree, just loving it up!

We said our goodbyes and I was onto the next phase of my day. A few hours later as I was driving to my next appointment, there was a bunch of traffic on the main street so I chose to take a side street. As I drove block after block after block, all I saw on each side of the street was bottle brush trees. I was literally immersed in bottle brush trees. Every size and shape was represented on this street–some were groomed and some were wildly growing in every direction.

All I could do was gasp and tears began rolling down my face. This was clearly the power of the universe bringing me more of what I was so fervently appreciating earlier. Oh, to be sure, Law of Attraction abounds and is at work in every part of our days. Are you noticing?